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Plastic Free July... Are you in?

Plastic Free July... Are you in?

It's #PLASTICFREEJULY!! Join us and MILLIONS of people from all over the world as we take a pledge to be part of the solution and not part of the pollution. For the month of July we challenge you to reduce your single-use plastic waste everyday, whether you're at home, work, school, your local cafe, juice bar or restaurant. Every decision we make has an impact, so this month, let's commit to making our impact a positive one. 

Take the PLASTIC FREE pledge HERE, and post a photo on your social media pages of you using your reusable Mermaid Straws, Cups, Bottles, Utensils and Bags to reduce your single use plastic footprint. For your chance to be featured in our Instagram stories, tag us @mermaidstraw and use the hashtags #plasticfreejuly, #mermaidstraw & #plasticsucks.  

Mermaid Straw

Let see how many single use plastic items you can prevent from entering in our environment just by using your Mermaid Straw products for 1 year...

Mermaid Straws

By switching to a Mermaid Straw you can save...


Single use plastic straws from entering our environment each year.

Mermaid Straws
Mermaid Straws
Mermaid Straw Bottle
Mermaid Straw Bottle

By switching to a Mermaid Bottle you can save...


single use plastic bottles from entering our environment each year.

By switching to a Mermaid Travel Cup you can save...


single use plastic cups and straws from entering our environment each year.

Mermaid Straw Travel Cup
Mermaid Straw Travel Cup
Ultimate Mermaid Straw Travel Set
Ultimate Mermaid Straw Travel Set

By switching to a Mermaid  Travel Set you can save...


single use plastic utensils & straws from entering our environment each year.

Mermaid Straw Reusable Draw String Bag

By switching to a Mermaid Straw Draw String Bag you can save...


single use plastic bags from entering our environment each year.

Mermaid Straw Reusable Draw String Bag
Mermaid Straw Reusable Draw String Bag

By making these 5 switches, this adds up to you personally saving...


single use plastic items from entering our environment each year!

Now that you know your personal impact... Will you choose to do something about it? We invite you to join us in saving our environment by saying NO to single use plastic, not just this month, but from here on out. 

To get you started on your plastic free journey, we are offering you a gorgeous, reusable Mermaid Straw completely FREE (we just ask that you cover the S&H). We'd also like to offer you 25% discount for your entire order should you choose to invest in these fun and stylish, eco-friendly, reusable items above. Just enter the code ZEROWASTE at checkout.